Sunday 1 November 2015

How to Create Office 365 Groups

This is part of series of blog posts on Office 365 How To’s. In today’s post, lets look at how to Create Office 365 Groups also known as “Groups for Office 365″.
First, lets discuss,

What are Office 365 Groups? – Definition : An Office 365 Group is a discussion group where you can invite colleagues to Collaborate on a single topic lets say a project using a dedicated Outlook (shared inbox), Calendar, File repository to share Documents and Notebook. The participants of the group can also start group chats or discussions, share documents via outlook or can also use group Skype to collaborate more.. Read more of the basics here.
Permissions needed to Create Groups – Typically, all users by default can Create a groups via their Outlook mailboxes. If you want only specif users to create groups see here.
How to Create Office 365 Groups –
1. Navigate to your Outlook and select “Create Group” from left nav.
Office 365 Groups
2. Create Group option appears on the right. Add the details as below.
Create a Office 365 Group
3. Once the group is Created, add members to it. You can also type the name and search the user to add.
Add members
Once done, select Not Now.
4. Finally, select the newly created Group from right nav in your mailbox.
Office 365 Group
The Group UI should look like below.
Office 365 Group is Created


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