Thursday, 21 December 2017

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Sharepoint 2013: Responsive Top Navigation menu using bootstrap

Sharepoint 2013: Responsive Top Navigation menu using bootstrap There are many things we can do in sharepoint but for responsivnes we faild in sharepoint. I tried to make sharepoint top navigation menu responive, Please follow steps which I have done and you will get same screen like below picture- Step...

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Sharepoint 2013 Search refiner customization with css

I did some work for SharePoint search refiners and and changed look and feel of default refiners Here I am sharing ccs for that- /***search Refiner css****/ .ms-ref-ctrl { background-color: #fff; } .ms-ref-refiner { padding: 0px!important; } .ms-ref-refinername:link, .ms-ref-refinername:visited { ...

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Convert DateTime to time spams in c#

Sometime we need to convert DateTime to time spams like an hour ago, few minutes ago or seconds ago. public string convertDate(DateTime dt) { string result = ""; TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - dt; int days = span.Days; int hrs = span.Hours; int min = span.Minutes; int sec = span.Seconds; if (days!=0) ...

Monday, 19 June 2017

How to download files from SharePoint document library programmatically using C#

Sometimes, we would want to download multiple files based on a pre-defined query such as a monthly report or a bulk download. If it is a few files or if it is a complete folder, we can use the explorer view to copy paste the files. However, if we want to customize the query or automate the process, then we need to write custom code to download the files programmatically. This is also true,...